What's New with Sandra Kazan

Speak Shakespeare

"Speak the speech, I pray you,
trippingly on the tongue.”

Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2

If your prayer, like Hamlet’s, is to speak “trippingly on the tongue,” to have the voice and speech you’ve always dreamed of, to speak without stage fright, clearly, with self-confidence, then your prayer has been answered.

Announcing SPEAKING SHAKESPEARE–individual sessions with actress and Voice and Speech coach Sandra Kazan–Speaking the words of the world’s greatest English dramatist to find the musicality in your voice, the breath and articulation you need to communicate and be understood, the command of language and clarity Shakespeare demands of you.

Sign up for individual sessions now!

If you have trouble with…

  • Nasality
  • Mumbling
  • Being understood
  • Monotonous vocal range
  • Running out of breath
  • High pitched voice
  • Speaking too fast
  • Accent
  • Making presentations…

Shakespeare and Sandra Kazan can help you starting today!
Email: sandy@sandrakazan.com


It could be a turning point in your life!

Contact Sandra